In some ways the last 366 days have flown by and in other ways, those days have crept by slowly.
After completing my oral cancer medication 1 year ago, the remainder of 2023 was filled with lots of life events. Starting in March, Jason and I, along with a great team of friends and family, raised over $88,000 for cancer research through the 10 week Visionary of the Year program with Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Then in June, we purchased and moved into our new home which took time to pack, unpack, and get settled. In November, I led my office relocation project which involved more packing and unpacking all finishing up before the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We did enjoy a trip to Colorado in January 2024 and just finished up Houston rodeo season this last week in March.
Physically, I struggled with low energy for about 2-3 months while my body ridded the remainder of the medication. My digestive system took about 2 months to get on a normal routine and rid the medication induced heartburn. Also, due to the medication affects on my hormones, I have struggled with facial acne over the last year that is finally clearing up. I do not wish these left over side effects on anyone and happily report that they are minimal to non existent at this point.
I have continued to work full time as an oncology pharmacist which has become even more rewarding than before with talking to patients everyday about their cancer diagnosis as well as helping them to navigate their medication needs. Also, I attend appointments with my oncologist every 3 months that have all shown near to perfect blood levels on my lab checks.
Once my year of treatment was complete, I wanted to commemorate my journey in some way with a monetary item. At first, I had no idea what I would buy for myself as I wanted something that I would keep for many years ahead. After some thought, I purchased a custom black cherry colored western hat with the word Warrior and Bible verse Psalm 150:6 printed on the inside. So, if you see me wearing my hat, you know it’s special meaning and my story of Praising God through the process, even when life is not fair and hard.
This whole journey started in February of 2020. Four years later, I am healthy again. I am forever grateful to God for allowing me to regain my health and giving me a husband who helped me through the hard days as well as celebrated the wins of this journey with me. Also, my family and friends who have supported me along the way, each of you hold a special place in my heart. I cherish your prayer and encouraging words. Thank you!!
“Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah)” Psalm 150:6 AMP
“He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross (willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice), so that we might die to sin (becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin) and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you (who believe) have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 AMP
What an inspiring testimony to God’s mercies and to His faithfulness! God has brought you completely back to good health and now allowing you to be an encouragement to others. You and Jason have made great contributions towards research, thereby impacting lives of many others. I am honored to call you family!