The Christmas season is always a personal favorite time of year for me. Even with the ups and downs that life throws my way, Christmas brings a warm feeling within. The senses of Joy, Peace, Love, and Thankfulness are welcoming to so many this time of year. While some of us are missing those we love and grieving in our hearts during this season, I pray that you gain an unexplainable peace and comfort in your heart this Christmas so that you can also experience so much Joy and Love with those who are present.
One year has gone by since my CT scan that showed no enlarged lymph nodes. Looking back on the last year of finishing up my treatment plan, recovering from the side effects, and finding an enjoyment in life with things money can’t buy, time has definitely flown by much faster than I would prefer. I make a priority daily to take moments to pray and meditate on positive parts of life while asking God to help me with the challenging ones.
Last week I attended my 3 month oncology appointment where I met my new oncologist (due to moving) and had my blood tested. I am excited to report that all of my blood counts are still within normal ranges which is a huge answer to prayer once again. After almost 9 months of finishing my medication, I am truly grateful for continuing to see positive results and finally almost fully recovered from side effects which is all worth celebrating.
Christmas Day is in 1 week. I hope and pray that you find something good to celebrate even if you are experiencing a hard personal season. God is still good and has given us all so many reasons to be thankful. Most of all, He sent His Son to save us from our sins. For that one thing He did so many years ago, I am forever grateful, even if he never did another thing for me.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
“And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” Luke 1:14
Thank you for expressing your faith and gratitude! You are an incredibly inspirational young lady! I’m proud to call you family. Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!